Awesome unbeatable deal-of-the-day + luxury items + surfing the net in your underwear = the best thing that ever happened to you

Polo Ralph Lauren Golf White Ladies Visor PRL6510643WH

Polo Ralph Lauren Golf White Ladies Visor PRL6510643WH

A sleek golf visor just in time for the best golf season you’ve ever played. This deal of the day is $19.99 (60% off the $49.99 retail price). Sale ends at midnight tonight (EST).

Hey Look! It’s the Flash! Ah! Look away! Look away!

The Flash! Fastest man in the world. So fast, that he violates the laws of physics. But one of the things you didn’t know is that he also violates the laws of public decency from time to time. I guess it’s expected. We’re all human. Even the super-human are human. Plus, it always seems like the most gifted people are also the weirdest, so there you go.

Whether that’s your thing or not, today’s deal of the day will help you play faster, just like the Flash. It’s the Polo Ralph Laruen White Golf Visor. Golf season is here, and it’s only going to get better.And with today’s deal of the day, you can shade your eyes the entire 18 without messing up your hair.

But how can it help you play faster, and why would you even want to rush the game of golf to begin with? Lemme explain. This hat it helps keep you shaded and cool, and keeping the sun out of your eyes and staying cool keeps you on your game. And being on your game means you take fewer shots down the runway, and taking fewer shots down the runway means you won’t have a herd of people asking if they can play through every other hole.

Now that’s speedy. Just like the Flash. Just don’t take the name too literally. There’s not a golf course around that wouldn’t kick you out on the spot for that (except for Sunny Side Nudist Resort in Northern California. I wouldn’t recommend that place anyway. Scary).


White cotton with blue cotton trim and bottom brim.
Size adjusts with a white Velcro strap in the back.
Gold-tone hardware and front logo plate.
100% cotton. does not ship outside the USA and its territories. Shoppers from outside the USA may place orders for delivery within the United States. Product ships 3-7 business days after order.

About Brand

The brand was launched in 1967 when Ralph Lauren, born Ralph Lifschitz, got a $50,000 loan. Prior to starting Ralph Lauren, he worked for Brooks Brothers. In 1968 he started a line of men's ties. By 1969 he had a boutique store within the Manhattan department store Bloomingdale's. In 1971, Polo Ralph Lauren launched its first women's collection and his first standalone store in Beverly Hills, California. Ten years later, in 1981, the brand went global with its first international store on London's New Bond Street. The Polo Sport line was introduced in 1993. The brand now produces clothing, accessories, fragrances, furniture, operates the restaurant RL in Chicago, and sponsors a Harlem cancer center in association with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The flagship store is located in the former Rhinelander Mansion on Madison Avenue in New York City.

Check our parent site for Ralph Lauren Clothing and Accessories.

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